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They’re eyeing two more justices for the Supreme Court

A few days ago, it was reported that the Republican Party is already eyeing at least two potential Supreme Court vacancies during Donald Trump's term as president if he wins again in November. That would mean Donald Trump hand-picked five of our country's nine Supreme Court justices – a majority, and enough to guarantee the rollback of more of our fundamental rights and freedoms.

Republicans expect to confirm even more Supreme Court justices if Trump wins

This is a five-alarm fire.

The phrase "most consequential election of our lifetime" gets thrown around a lot, but that's exactly what we're facing in 2024. In just under a month, the American people will decide whether they want to build on the progress Democrats have made on everything from cutting health care and drug costs, to tackling the climate crisis, or if they want to re-elect Donald Trump and usher in what is sure to be another presidency laser-focused on gutting our rights to privacy, rolling back the basic rights of women to make their own health care decisions, and so much more.

With the help of Senate Republicans, Donald Trump was able to confirm three brand new Supreme Court justices to the bench during his first presidency. Each one of them talked a big game about upholding legal precedent during their confirmation hearings in the Senate when it came to landmark cases like Roe v. Wade.

Every single one of them threw their oaths in the trash can at the earliest opportunity to roll back decades of precedent and protections for Americans' fundamental freedoms. And now, Republicans are ready and eager to pack our judicial system full of even more far-right judges.

I am deeply concerned about the future of our country if Republicans get their way.

This is another reminder of the importance of electing progressive leaders up and down the ballot this November. If Donald Trump wins, a Democratic majority in the Senate would be the only thing standing between Trump and his goal of gaining a majority on the Supreme Court.

I know our movement is capable of stopping Donald Trump in his tracks, because we've done it before. But I can't do it without your help. Will you join our movement by donating $3 to help stop Donald Trump and JD Vance's extremist agenda?

The stakes have never been higher, but I know that together, we can win this.

More soon,


Posted on October 6, 2024.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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