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The racism, the lies, and the just plain incomprehensible

I'm still processing the full extent of the absurdity, racism, lies, and the just plain incomprehensible words that Donald Trump spewed from the debate stage this week.

But here are a few things that stood out:

  • Trump claimed that the American people wanted Roe v. Wade overturned (tell that to the women who've faced medical emergencies in the wake of GOP-run states banning essential care) and refused to say whether he'd veto a national abortion ban
  • Trump delivered a real word salad when confronted with his record of trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act, reaffirmed he wants to destroy it, and when asked for his plan on health care in a second term said "I have concepts of a plan"
  • Unprompted, Trump amplified a debunked, utterly xenophobic claim about Haitian immigrants
  • Trump yet again denied that he lost the 2020 election and insisted he held zero culpability for what happened on January 6, 2021

It was scary. It was infuriating. And yes, it was weird.

It also was a reminder of why 81 million Americans fired Donald Trump 4 years ago. It made me more determined than ever to stop Trump and his MAGA cronies at the ballot box again in 53 days.

Kamala Harris offered a clear and positive vision for what the future holds should she become president – from a restoration of abortion rights to an expanded child tax credit to further investments in clean energy.

But to get this done, she's going to need a Democratic Congress – and I'll be blunt with you: the battle for the Senate remains an exceedingly difficult one for us.

We're playing defense across the board, in red states like Montana and Ohio as well as core battleground states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. And we have no room for error.

We're approaching our final end-of-quarter deadline of the election. Can I count on you to chip in $6 (or more) to help me fight for my friends in tight Senate races?https://secure.actblue.com/donate/stand-with-ron-wyden?refcode=2024-09-13-debate&amount=6&amounts=10%2C30%2C50%2C100%2C200

Moving past the Trump era doesn't stop with keeping him out of the White House; it has to continue with enacting a policy agenda that lifts everyone up and counters the dark vision of America that Trump's movement propagates.

I hope you'll join me to make sure we can get it done.


Posted on September 13, 2024.

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