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These guys are phonies

It can be hard during an election year to tune out the commentary and just get the facts.

JD Vance and Donald Trump talk a big game about being pro-family and helping working Americans. Just a few weeks ago after Kamala Harris released her economic agenda, which set forth a pathway to help lift up working families and make the wealthy pay their fair share, JD Vance came out claiming to support an expansion of the child tax credit.

Here's the truth: just a few weeks ago, I brought my bipartisan bill to the Senate floor, which would have expanded the overwhelmingly successful and popular child tax credit to help more than 16 million children across the country.

JD Vance was a no-show.

Yep, you read that right. Vance didn't even show up to cast a vote.

For someone who talks a big game about helping kids and families, just like Donald Trump, JD Vance doesn't show up when it counts.

Bottom line: these guys are phonies making more empty promises to American families while working behind the scenes to help their rich friends.

Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress alongside Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are laser-focused on helping lift up working families.

It's past time to make billionaires pay their fair share so we can start funding things like an expanded child tax credit, universal child care, and paid leave, and set families up for success.

That's the future Democrats are fighting for, and it couldn't be more different than the agenda Republicans have on offer, which amounts to nothing more than a roadmap to help the rich get richer.

There's a lot of hard work in the weeks and months ahead, but I'm fired up and ready to go. I hope you are too.

More soon,


Posted on September 4, 2024.

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