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For the last 89 years, Social Security has allowed millions of Americans to retire with dignity and security after their decades in the workforce. It's one of the crowning progressive achievements of the last century. Once again, the GOP are taking aim at the program to rip away Americans' hard-earned benefits.

Their incessant attacks on this vital program continue even today.

Recently, the Republican majority in the House formed a "fiscal commission" to set the stage to fast-track a bill with major fiscal policy changes, including cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Make no mistake: that means raising the retirement age and cutting benefits. Donald Trump himself has said: "There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements."

If Trump is re-elected this fall, and Republicans take back power in the House and Senate, we can be sure that one of their top priorities will be gutting Social Security and Medicare, just like it was last time they had a trifecta of power.

The GOP is well aware that their agenda of gutting these programs is deeply unpopular with the American people; that's why they resort to backroom deals and political tricks like this latest one. The term "fiscal commission" is the ultimate Washington buzzword, translating to a closed-door process where Americans' hard-earned benefits are put to the chopping block in secret.

These cuts are often proposed in the name of "fiscal responsibility" and "deficit reduction," but those excuses obscure their true motive: keeping their billionaire cronies rich at the expense of working Americans. Time and time again, Democrats have proposed legislation that would ensure the wealthiest among us pay their fair share and secure these crucial programs for generations to come, only to be stonewalled by our Republican colleagues.

This is what's at stake this November.

I have always opposed any and all efforts to cut Social Security and Medicare, and as long as the GOP continues on their reckless course of attacking Americans' retirement, I'll continue to hold the line and fight to protect the promise that we owe all future generations.

In solidarity,


Posted on August 19, 2024.

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