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Ignoring kids in poverty is the Republican agenda

Just yesterday, the Senate voted on my bipartisan tax bill that would have extended the child tax credit and help 16 MILLION kids get ahead. Senate Republicans blocked it. They're more interested in passing another round of Trump handouts to billionaires and big corporations if they take control of the Senate next year.

You read that right. My bipartisan bill would have helped 16 million kids get ahead, invest in research and development for businesses, turn off a firehose of taxpayer-funded fraud, and build 200,000 new affordable housing units.

Back in 2021, Democrats expanded the child tax credit, and it was an overwhelming success. Child poverty was cut in half. For the first time in their lives, millions of families were no longer having to make tough choices about paying rent and buying groceries. After it expired, my bipartisan bill has been stuck in political infighting and gridlock among Senate Republican leadership.

Republicans talk a big game about being "pro-family." Today Senate Republicans had the opportunity to prove it by going on the record and supporting my bill. Instead, they blocked it, and now millions of kids and families will be denied the opportunity to get ahead they so badly need and deserve.

Make no mistake: Republicans are playing partisan games and using kids as their pawns while they do.

I'll continue working as hard as I can to get an expanded child tax credit across the finish line and signed into law, but in the meantime, today's vote is one more example of why it's never been more pressing that we protect and expand our Democratic majority in the Senate this November, and elect a Congress that is willing to go to the mat to help working families, not special interests.

More soon,


Posted on August 2, 2024.

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