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Creepy and weird

Let's talk about Donald Trump's pick for his vice presidential running mate.

There's perhaps no better poster child for the Republican Party's embrace of anti-freedom, anti-democracy, and anti-working family policies than JD Vance.

JD Vance supports a national abortion ban with zero exceptions for rape and incest. He's voted against IVF protections and wants to let states monitor menstrual cycles, and in a recently-leaked audio clip, is heard embracing full-on uterus surveillance for women traveling across state lines.

It can't be overstated just how weird and creepy the Republican Party's obsession with surveilling women's bodies is.

He's also advocated for cuts to Social Security. He's denounced universal child care as part of a "war against normal people." And he's on the record as saying he would have refused to certify 2020's free and fair election.

JD Vance's place on a GOP presidential ticket really says all you need to know about where the Republican Party is today.

The American people have two clear choices on the ballot this November: creepy weirdos that want to implement uterus surveillance and rip away our fundamental freedoms, or Kamala Harris, an unapologetically pro-choice leader that will stand up for our freedoms and build on the progress we've already made.

There are almost 100 days until election day. Can I count on you to join our grassroots movement, Devon? We're facing a long road ahead, but we defeated Donald Trump's extremism before, and with your help, I know we can do it again.

Thank you,


Posted on July 27, 2024.

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