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Two visions, two choices

I'm sure you've been grappling with Saturday's assassination attempt on Donald Trump (which tragically left one rally-goer dead and two more wounded), and you're not alone.

But in this moment of darkness in our country, it's essential to emphasize: in America, we must always settle our differences in the public sphere of debate and at the ballot box — never with violence.

We've seen for years now how normalizing violent rhetoric can quickly turn into real violence that leaves our communities feeling unsafe, and every elected official has a duty to disavow it.

That's why it's never been more important to recognize what's at stake in this election. This November, voters will have two clear choices on the ballot.

One vision builds on the progress we've made to level the playing field for working families, ensure corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share, and defend our fundamental rights and freedoms.

The other vision on offer boils down to further rollbacks of reproductive freedom, cuts to retirement security, more tax handouts for the ultra-wealthy, and a belief that executive authority should have few – if any – safeguards.

I know which vision I'm going to spend the next three-and-a-half months working for.

Because this election is far from over. Our grassroots movement has won before against policies and values that are wildly out of step with the American people, and we can do it again.

The decision Americans make at the ballot box this November will set the course of our country's future for generations to come. And no matter what, we will not give in to fear and hatred – we will rise above and make our country all the stronger for it.


Posted on July 18, 2024.

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