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A shining example of what government can do

This year, the IRS finally introduced its Direct File program: a free online program that lets taxpayers file their taxes free of charge, and online, without having to fork out money to predatory tax filing companies looking to make a quick buck.

While this year was the pilot phase, 140,803 taxpayers successfully filed their taxes using this program, far surpassing early estimates. As a result of this huge success, the IRS has announced that they are expanding the program, making it available in all 50 states starting next year.

This is a shining example of what the government can do when it has the resources it needs to serve the American people. This program is the direct result of Democrats' giving the IRS expanded funding under the historic Inflation Reduction Act, and is further proof that good policy can make an impact in Americans' daily lives.

No more forking out money and unexpected fees to corporations looking to make a profit off of Americans just trying to file their taxes. It's no wonder these companies have been fighting as hard as they can to stop this program dead in its tracks.

But in spite of all their rhetoric and attempts at obstruction, this program still stands as a shining example of exactly what government can do at its best: provide a worthwhile service that improves the lives of everyone. While it may seem small to the mega-wealthy and the army of accountants they can afford to employ, this is a welcome change for hard-working American families.

I hope that the success of this program shows everyone that good, smart public policy makes a difference for families in Oregon and nationwide.

More soon,


Posted on July 8, 2024.

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