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They're using kids as political pawns

Earlier this year, I helped negotiate a bipartisan plan to expand the overwhelmingly successful and popular child tax credit and lift half a million kids out of poverty. The proposal passed the House by a big margin, and I've been hopeful that we can finally boost the child tax credit for many of the families who saw critical aid expire at the end of 2021.

During the pandemic, the child tax credit was a life saving resource for millions of families. It was the poster child for good policy making a real difference in working families' lives.

But thanks to a group of hardline Senate Republicans, my bill to renew this lifeline has been collecting dust for over four months.

While I know almost everything these days gets wrapped up in political divides, I really thought that the one thing we could all agree on is lifting 500,000 kids out of poverty.

So why is my bill being delayed? Pure election-year politics. Some Senate Republicans will throw working families under the bus if it means depriving President Biden of a "win." They also are holding out for the possibility that a new GOP Senate come 2025 could help them negotiate a different deal – one that helps them give more tax breaks to billionaires but does nothing for those who need the most help.

Let me be very clear: I'm working to get this bill passed now because keeping kids out of poverty shouldn't be subject to the usual D.C. games.

I believe that the government should make a meaningful difference in people's lives. And I will keep fighting to do exactly that.

More soon,


Posted on June 17, 2024.

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