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We’re breaking all the wrong kinds of records

This summer, it seems like not a day goes by where we're not breaking all the wrong kinds of records: high temperatures, ocean temperatures, unprecedented storms and rainfall, and for many parts of the United States – wildfire smoke and air quality alerts like we've never seen before.

While Oregonians are well-acquainted with wildfire season and the smoke that comes along with it, the same can't be said for most of the country outside of the Pacific Northwest. But this summer, from the Midwest to the East Coast, millions of Americans are getting their first experience with how consequential wildfire smoke can truly be as it travels down from catastrophic wildfires in Canada.

If this isn't a wake-up call, I don't know what is. The climate crisis is not a distant threat. It's here now, and we're only just beginning to see the consequences.

In the years to come, wildfires, smoke, high temperatures, and unpredictable, dangerous storms will continue to intensify under the climate crisis.

Now is the time to prioritize protecting our planet for future generations. I'm not letting up in this fight, and I hope you'll be with me every step of the way.

More soon,


Posted on July 17, 2023.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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