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I ๐Ÿ’š vote-by-mail

Today is Valentine's Day and Oregon's birthday.

I am proud to be an Oregonian. I'm proud of the passion and dedication shown by Oregonians day in and day out.

And I'm proud that for 20 years Oregon has been voting by mail.

Oregon was the first state in the nation to implement a vote-by-mail system, and I was the first Senator to be elected entirely by mail-in ballots.

Vote-by-mail has proven to be a great success, with high voter turnout, and some of the safest, most secure elections in the country.

Our state has led the way in advancing the democratic process, and many states are following in our footsteps.

Vote-by-mail is something that we should all be proud of โ€“ and something every American should have access to. Now we've got to spread the love and adopt vote-by-mail nationally.

I'll continue fighting tooth and nail to make sure every American can vote the Oregon Way: from the comfort and safety of their own home.

Wishing you a happy and safe Oregon Statehood Day!


Posted on February 14, 2023.

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