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A to-do list of conservative extremism

Just days after taking back power, we're seeing House Republicans' priorities on full display. Unsurprisingly, their to-do list doesn't include helping level the playing field for working families or addressing any of the challenges facing the American people.

We must stand tall against the dysfunctional authoritarianism Republicans call legislating. Democracy is a powerful tool, and together, I know we can win this fight. But we've got to start now. Will you join in today?

So far, their agenda has read like a laundry list of conservative extremism:

  • Waste time on political infighting, struggling to elect a Speaker.
  • Give liars and election deniers powerful committee assignments.
  • Gut the House Ethics Office.
  • Vote to defund the IRS and make it easier for the rich to cheat on their taxes.
  • Pass oppressive anti-choice legislation.
  • Propose a 30% national sales tax.
  • And it's only January.
  • This chaotic dysfunction will continue and is only a fraction of the dangerous legislating they will try to get away with if they're able to retake power in the Senate and White House in 2024. That's why we're building up our progressive movement now. We're nearing the end of January, our first deadline of the year, and we need you. Can you give $3 and join our progressive movement?

    Extremism now defines the Republican Party. The MAGA cult has ensured that there are no moderates left.

    Thanks to our grassroots movement, the Senate remains blue – for now. There I promise to keep up the fight to protect Social Security and Medicare, lower costs for families, defend reproductive rights, ensure data privacy, and make sure everyone pays their fair share.


    Posted on January 29, 2023.

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