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Big Oil continues to rake in record profits without paying their fair share

Millions of American families and small businesses are struggling with high gas prices – forcing many to make hard decisions between filling up their gas tanks or paying their bills.

Meanwhile, Big Oil is spending millions in lobbying dollars to avoid paying their fair share in taxes, all while gouging consumers at the gas pump and raking in record-breaking profits.

It's time to hold Big Oil companies accountable for price-gouging consumers while they get away without paying their fair share in taxes! Sign my petition and tell Congress to act now.

Big Oil is exploiting American consumers, plain and simple

The fossil fuel industry is artificially raising gas prices, collecting record profits, and rewarding its shareholders and CEOs with stock buybacks—all while avoiding paying their fair share in taxes while the rest of us pay taxes out of each paycheck.

Sign my petition, and tell Congress to make sure Big Oil pays its fair share!

Together we can create an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected,


Posted on August 23, 2022.

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