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The fight for privacy.

The right to privacy is essential. That's where this conversation begins.

What comes next is a long, hard-fought battle to protect privacy in all its forms.

Our efforts are going to take time and grassroots support, so we can organize against the challenges ahead. Please chip in today and let's do this together.

Though the Fourth Amendment guarantees our freedom from unwarranted government surveillance, federal agencies exploit loopholes in our nation's laws to buy your personal information from shady data brokers. This includes collecting location data from cell phones without a warrant.

You read that right. The federal government is using its credit card to end-run the Fourth Amendment, and it needs to stop. Now. That's why I'm leading a bipartisan effort in the Senate to close these loopholes and put Americans back in control of their data once and for all.

This isn't going to be an easy journey, but I'm confident that with public pressure, hard work, and time, we're going to see results. Even after our wins in 2020, we can't get complacent. We must safeguard American's data permanently.

Yes, these fights are going to be won in the halls of Congress, with progressive ideas and debate. But that means working as hard as possible to win seats across America, and then defend what we've won.

Let's get to work. Please chip in $4 and let's get organized for the fights ahead.


Posted on April 28, 2021.

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Meet Ron Wyden

Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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