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Trump's last dirty deed

It's their last chance to do a dirty deed, so they're not wasting any time.

I'm talking about the Trump administration, of course, and its plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling.

Here's the deal: now that they've lost and will be leaving Washington D.C. in January, the Trump administration is looking to do a few last favors for some of its closest allies and donors. In this case, they're looking to put together a sweetheart deal for Big Oil by auctioning off the right to drill the ANWR.

The plan isn't complicated. Trump is looking to get done what we've been trying to hold off for years: a giveaway to Republican campaign donors at the expense of one of the last, true pristine wonders in America.

Here's my bottom line: I've said for years that the potential for harm created by drilling in the arctic is far greater than any benefits. If this greedy attempt by Trump to line the pockets of oil company executives goes forward, the damage cannot be undone.

That bears repeating: the damage, once done, cannot be undone.

I'm going to stand against this last-ditch effort. I hope that, in the coming weeks, I can bring you good news.


Posted on December 17, 2020.

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