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No war with Iran

Declaring war is the most solemn decision Congress can make – the choice when there are no other options, and only Congress has the power to do so.

Republican Sen. Mike Lee told NPR that the Trump administration couldn't come up with a scenario when it would seek Congressional approval to put our troops in harm's way.

That's chilling.

Sign my petition: not another endless war in the Middle East.

We cannot live with the constant fear of endless war.

I will do everything I can to ensure that America is not dragged into yet-another endless, destructive war. I will continue to monitor the situation as closely as my duty permits.

In 2002, I was against giving an impulsive president the authority to go to war under false pretenses. My position hasn't changed since.

Stand with me and sign the petition calling on Congress to stand up for a safer America and reject another endless war in the Middle East.


Posted on January 13, 2020.

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