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Sign the petition to protect consumers from junk health insurance

The Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress are so vexed by their failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act that they're looking for new ways to sabotage your health care.

Their latest threat to Americans' health care coverage is something called "junk" insurance plans. The ACA was designed to get rid of these anti-consumer schemes that cheat patients.

Junk plans are low cost for high health consequences. They don't cover health screenings, multiple doctor visits, medications, or surgery - critical health care needs.

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to ban junk insurance.

Republicans in Congress are clearly concerned with protecting corporations' rights to charge us for health care. Unfortunately, they're not as concerned with making sure we actually get the care we pay for.

The ACA ensures that Americans not only have health coverage, they have good coverage. Stand with me to demand that Congress protect people, not profits.

Sign the petition to tell Congress "No junk insurance!"


Posted on May 31, 2018.

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