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Tell the GOP to reject NRA money. Sign the petition.

What in the world will it take for Republicans in Congress to reject the NRA's money?

Thurston High School. Virginia Tech. Columbine. Sandy Hook. Reynolds High School. Clackamas Town Center. Aurora. Umpqua Community College. Orlando. Las Vegas. Sutherland Springs. Parkland.

Communities across the country have suffered unthinkable tragedy. And how do Republicans respond? With thoughts and prayers. Meaningless words. Empty rhetoric.

Join me and the majority of Americans who believe in a safer America. Sign the petition telling the GOP to reject the NRA's money.

I'm so proud of the student activists who are standing up to the NRA. And I am sickened by the do-nothing Republicans in Congress who refuse to even consider gun-safety measures.

The NRA's scare tactics don't intimidate teenagers in Florida. But they do scare the GOP. For one reason: money.

It's time for Republicans to get serious about serving the people, not the lobbying arm of a billion dollar industry.


Posted on March 14, 2018.

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