No more secrets: The Senate Torture Report
We knew this was going to happen. Donald Trump and Republicans are once again hiding the truth from the American people.
Republican Senator Burr asked the Trump Administration to return the 6700-page Torture Report. The Trump Administration happily complied.
The Senate Intelligence Committee authored this report to detail the illegal and damaging torture program ran under the Bush Administration.
The report found that torture does not work. It does not make us safer. In fact, it makes the world a more dangerous place.
By returning the torture report and refusing to read it, the Trump Administration makes it clear that they have no desire to learn from the past and will barrel down a path of illegality and denial.
In a democracy, we face our failures and we tell the truth. Only the smallest and most insecure leaders seek to erase history.
The American people deserve nothing less than the truth, and I'll never give up the fight to make sure you know what really happened.
Thanks for standing with me. These are the fights that determine who we are as Americans.