Here today, gone tomorrow
We don’t have time to waste in the fight for affordable healthcare. Republicans are just votes away from passing Trumpcare 2.0.
Trump and the GOP are desperate for a win—and they are trying to ram through a Republican health care plan that is devastating for anyone with pre-existing conditions.
In an attempt to get more Republicans on board, the GOP added an amendment that would increase the funding for “high risk pools.” While that sounds good, it's not. There’s no sugar coating it – this amendment would allow insurers to charge sick people whatever they want and then bails the insurance companies out with taxpayer money.
The Republicans’ plan is terrible for Americans. It rips away coverage from millions of working families, charges an age tax on Americans older than 50, and that's on top of going after people with pre-existing conditions.
It’s simple. Under Trumpcare 2.0, Americans will pay more for health care with less coverage.
Raise your voice today and let’s stop Republicans from moving this disastrous healthcare plan forward!