Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon ran a website that trafficked in anti-Semitism and boasted of being the voice of white nationalists. That’s a fact. There’s no spinning that.
It’s outrageous the first announcement from the Trump administration is to announce the chief strategist will be a man who not only tolerated hate in every form, but actively courted it and fomented it.
I’m the son of German-Jewish immigrants. My family fled Nazi Germany and came to America. But it’s not just me saying that Bannon is an unacceptable choice. Reasonable people on the left and the right are just speechless that the president-elect is choosing to invite someone with this kind of record into the White House.
The fact that Mr. Trump’s allies are dismissing anti-Semitism, misogyny and white nationalism so lightly demonstrates a shocking lack of respect for history and starts this administration off on a stunningly wrong foot.